This Liturgy is for the Special Intention of Ruth Cavanagh
The Live Broadcast is also viewable on our Facebook Page
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Our Live Broadcast is viewable on your Computer, Phone & Tablet
- Open your browser to view the Internet
- Go to
- Click on "Live Broadcast"
- Hit the "Play" Button
- Use the 2 arrows to make the video full screen
The Broadcast has been tested to be viewable on these browsers: Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge
If you find a browser that the Live Broadcast cannot be seen on, please let Amy know and BoxCast will be contacted.
Would you like recognition as a sponsor of the Divine Liturgy? Donate Today!
A donation of $25.00 or more will give recognition to the contributor as a sponsor of the Liturgy for the week.
Please send a donation of any amount to:
St. John the Baptist Cathedral
210 Greentree Road
Munhall PA 15120
Make checks payable to St John the Baptist and include:
Website Donation, Your Name, Sponsor Name and Donation Amount
If you have any questions, please call 412.461.0944 or email
The Cathedral is continuing to broadcast the Divine Liturgy over the website. This broadcast is done at an expense to the Cathedral. For this reason, we appeal to our faithful followers for donations to cover these costs.
Any amount will be appreciated. Please send donations to the address listed above. Thank you in advance!